Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Foundational Principles - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 015
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Bryan Smeltzer is the President at LiquidMind and the author of “The Visionary Brand: The Success Formula Behind the Worlds most Visionary Brands”. He knows how to make your brand stand out and make a difference in your marketplace. He sits down with host Joseph Frost to talk about the innovations they see in the c-suite space.
- Inspiring your team and being passionate about what you are doing is something that the c-suite professionals are missing out on.
- If a c-suite executive is visible and around to everyone, that can drive internal and external passion for the employees and make them more motivated to work.
- The pandemic has made communication around teams worse as everyone works remotely, so communication becomes more important.
- Be an innovator, not an imitator. Market driven is the imitators and marketing driving are the innovators.
- You want to always have something that has a positive impact on your marketplace as often as you can.
- Culture is incredibly important when it comes to retaining your team. This can help people to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves and it feels authentic.
- There is a division paradox where people think they are a visionary but they really aren’t. All the generational companies have visionaries who lead them.
Quote of the Show:
1:20 “I don't see the c-suite, in many instances, especially the larger the company gets the less tangible they are to those underneath them. And the team many times needs that tangible CEO down in the ground floor with them locking arms, but also probably more importantly as instilling a culture in the company.”
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/bryansmeltzer
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryansmeltzer/
- Website: https://liquidmindsite.com/
- Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/Visionary-Brand-Success-Formula-Behind-ebook/dp/B096VGGW22
Ways to Tune In
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Google Podcast
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/CNliAekK0M4
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Being a Visionary - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 014
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Kimberlee Slavik is the Speaker, VP of Sales, and the inventor of Visnostics at DynaExec LLC. She is also the a best selling author with her book, “Visnostic Selling”. Her wealth of knowledge about sales and revenue is something that every company could use. She sits down with host Joseph Frost to talk about some of the latest trends they see in the c-suite space.
- The gig economy dramatically impacts the world of those in the c-suite.
- The gig economy wasn’t as large before, but now it is a growing movement along with the great resignation.
- Fractional professionals are going to be in more demand as the years go on as they are appealing than hiring a full time professional and giving them benefits.
- You want to take in any information you can. If you work with plenty of different industries, your wealth of knowledge is that much wider.
- It’s not what you say, but how you say it. Sometimes the information comes across the best way in person.
- When you talk with a c-suite executive, you want to find out what works well for them and then ask them what could be done better and see if you can help with that.
- As an outsider employee, you don’t need to worry about the inner working or the politics of a company.
Quote of the Show:
7:20 “I think the C suite, the C level fractional leadership is going to explode. And it's an exciting time to already have that experience under your belt to be able to go out there and execute, because I think the man's going to rise significantly.”
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimslavik/
- Website: https://dynaexec.com/
- Book: https://www.amazon.com/Visnostic-Selling-neuroscientific-marketing-leadership/dp/1732191611
Ways to Tune In
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Google Podcast
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/X7rEm-xxnb8
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Impactful Fractional Professionals - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 013
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Greg McDonough is the Managing Partner at Blackburn Capital Advisors. He’s also the host of the podcast “The Impactful Leadership show”. He sits down with host Joseph Frost to talk about the importance of fractional professionals and how they can help companies grow and manage tasks.
- There’s a tremendous amount of resources available to c-suite executives right now that hasn’t been explored to its fullest potential.
- Build a team around you that is full of experts in areas you aren’t as well versed in. This will help in your time of need and free you up to focus on the bigger picture.
- To build the trust between you and your clients is incredibly important.
- Build trust with your clients by starting on a smaller project for them. Then overtime, keep seeing if they have any other work you can help them with.
- Being able to relate to the client is important. It helps them to connect with you and also makes it more likely they will hire you for your services.
- Use a bad experience as a life lesson. You can use the bad experience to help you understand how to avoid that mistake again.
- Make sure to manage the expectations and that they are agreed upon. You don’t want to end up giving too much of your time away when you have other clients.
Quote of the Show:
4:27 “The way I built trust with my clients is by identifying a very small initial project. It could be a financial analysis, it could be work on PPP. There's a handful of things that I sort of dive into initially that I scope, it's small, it's a handful of hours with a work , there's a value proposition at the end for the client. And we execute on that. And when I deliver it very quickly, it turns into another conversation around what other opportunities they're seeing or struggling with or things that are on their desks that they may want to take off their desks.”
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregorymcdonough/
- Website: https://blackburncap.com/
- Podcast: https://www.impactfulleadershipshow.com/
- Book: https://www.amazon.com/Turnaround-Surviving-Bankruptcy-Achieving-Business/dp/161961703X
Ways to Tune In
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Google Podcast
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/cnI_MiVPabc
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Trust and Flexibility - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 012
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Jennifer Zick is the Founder and CEO at Authentic Brand. Being a fractional professional requires walking the line between supporting your client and telling them what they need to change, and Jennifer sees how all of this works. She sits down with host Joseph Frost to talk about some of the latest innovations she sees in the c-suite.
- Executives are getting caught up in the minor details of the marketing standpoint and not focusing on the big picture and the fundamentals.
- It’s important to know who your company matters to and why your company matters to them.
- Don’t focus on pitching yourself. Focusing on how you can help your customers and that will lead to your pitch.
- As a fractional professional, you want to support your clients but you also have to tell them the truth if something isn’t working.
- There are plenty of forums for CEOs but there isn’t much out there for integrators as the second in command.
- You have to make sure you are managing expectations properly when you are a fractional professional, you still have a responsibility to your company.
- Make sure that the company you are going to work with already has an operating system in place. It makes it easier to be on the same level with them and know where to go from where they currently are.
Quote of the Show:
05:46 “I say there's two questions to ask. It's who do we want to matter to and why should we matter to them? And then how do we intersect their world in a way that's meaningful and relevant. And when we get to that point of intersecting their world, instead of then what do we pitch them, it's how do we help them?”
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniferzick
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jzick/
- Website: https://authenticbrand.com/
Ways to Tune In
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Google Podcast
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/aWFwqYgTNOo
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Navigating the Digital Space - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 011
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Scott Belt is the President and Founder at Impact CFO Services. He has over 20 years of business experience and has the proven ability to build strong teams. He joins host Joseph Frost to sit down and talk about some innovations that are up and coming in the world of c-suite executives.
- Everything has changed since the pandemic started. Businesses went virtual and it was hard for some to adapt, but you need to learn to live in this new world.
- You can be ahead of the competition if you really dedicate yourself to mastering the new way of doing work.
- You have to be able to pivot to the online space. All work is being done virtually now and if you can’t keep up with that you won’t see success.
- Having a strong balance sheet can help your business survive even the most difficult economic downturns.
- Entrepreneurs don’t see risks. It’s the job of the CFO to show them the risk and make sure they are aware of all the challenges.
- Using bookkeeping, you can see where a company is going to be heading and then you can see what you need to help them with.
- Marketing and sales is the lifeblood of every business. They bring in the revenue and they keep the company going.
Quote of the Show:
2:45 “If you can take advantage of the new world and the new way of doing business, you can be very successful because there is a percentage out there that can't, or won't, or has decided to just give up trying. And that is where the opportunities really lie is to take over those companies or to take over that space.”
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-belt-7a60b05/
- Website: https://impactcfos.com
Ways to Tune In
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Google Podcast
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/SDsBxJiNiDA
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Decentralized Leadership - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 010
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Brian Smith is the founder of IA Business Advisors an internationally recognized business advisory, consulting, and coaching company. He is also the best-selling author of the "The I in Team Series" and most recently of the "Individual Advantages; Be the I in Team” books, where he shares his knowledge of creating great leaders.
- The biggest opportunity for c-suites is getting in touch with what their company actually is. They need to be a few steps ahead of the curve.
- Small businesses who struggle to afford someone at a c-suite level don’t have the same opportunities that those at the c-suite level know are possible.
- A c-suite professional will look at things in the long term and not just what is going to happen in the next 30 days or 60 days. They will be a few cycles ahead of where you are now.
- Decentralized leadership is where decision making is delegated by top level management to individuals within a company
- A fractional professional is a great advocate for changing things up. They will bring a new perspective to your business and can help you grow.
- It’s a lot more cost effective for small companies to hire fractional professionals than it is to hire a full time c-suite executive.
- It’s important when hiring someone to understand how they work by using an assessment like Kolbe. This will help you understand how they work and the best way to provide feedback to that employee.
Quote of the Show:
1:30 “A lot of C-suite people have blinders on. They only see what's in their lane and in the old days, we could almost do that. But the way that society has grown, the way that we've become a three dimensional society where we have to know more, we have to be more in touch, two or three steps away from ourselves.”
- Twitter: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourbizdr/
- LinkedIn: http://www.iabusinessadvisors.com
- Website: http://www.iabusinessadvisors.com/
- Book Link: https://ceoworld.biz/2019/02/27/the-wrong-way-to-lead/
Ways to Tune In
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Google Podcast
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/OAZDxEGS26c
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Partnering For Success - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 009
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Nelson Tepfer is the Managing partner at ProCFO Partners. He knows what it takes to help a business increase their revenue and isn’t afraid to branch out into different areas. He sits down with host Joseph Frost to talk about some of the biggest innovations that c-suite are looking at today.
- The biggest opportunity right now for c-suites is expanding beyond a traditional role and more collaboration with others.
- Fractional professionals are great at rolling up their sleeves and doing the work that other full time c-suite executives are too busy for.
- Bringing in a different perspective is one of the many positives about a fractional professional. They have worked with many different companies and know what strategies work and what doesn’t.
- It is the CFO’s job to help the finance and accounting departments grow and they help build a framework for financial management.
- There’s plenty of extra resources that a fractional professional can bring with them from company to company.
- Always look for someone who is a fit with you as opposed to someone who’s been in your industry before.
- Working with a company that has more CFOs can help develop a better process for your company.
Quote of the Show:
20:03 “Always look for someone who's a fit with you, as opposed to somebody who's been in your industry. I think that that is so crucial. From the client side, they just look at it as If you haven't been in this industry, how are you going to know certain aspects of this? The advantage to having a large team as we do have now more than 30 CFOs, we've been in just about every industry imaginable. And probably some of you may not have come across all that often as well, but we've been across so many different industries that we have the industry knowledge on our team.”
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tepfer/
- Website: https://procfopartners.com
Ways to Tune In
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Google Podcast
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/_0ajmNKXOYQ
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Marketing Framework - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 008
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Mark Scrimenti has over 15 years of leadership experience in ecommerce, and he is the Fractional CEO at Vivid Path Consulting. He sits down with host Joseph Frost to talk about what some innovations and new ideas are for fractional professionals, such as making sure that you have a repeatable process in place to scale your business.
- You need to know your customers. You can have a great service or product but no one is going to buy if you aren’t marketing it to the right people.
- You need to apply the right framework to your business. You want to be able to adapt to changes in your business but you also want a nice structure as well.
- Listening to your customers is incredibly important. They are the ones who will give you honest feedback which can help grow your business to a higher level than before.
- You need repeatable processes if you want to scale your business. Otherwise you will not be able to grow your business model to the height you want.
- It’s good to set “rocks” or goals for your team. It motivates them to focus on a good project and help to develop the company.
- Communication is key. You need to have good communication with your company as that will help develop a positive work culture.
- It’s important for fractional professionals to be aligned with the people who will be hiring them, which are typically CEOs.
Quote of the Show:
2:21 “I think everybody pays lip service to being customer-focused. Everybody says, yeah, we talk to our customers regularly, but I question that, are you really talking to your customers regularly? And more importantly, are you listening to them? And what are they telling you? If you talk to your customers, you really listen to them. They're going to tell you how to grow your business. They're going to give you innovation opportunities for optimization
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markscrimenti/
- Website: https://vividpathconsulting.com
Ways to Tune In
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZnJhY3Rpb25hbGNzdWl0ZXJldHJlYXQuY29tL2ZlZWQueG1s
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/fl49gzLP9Xw
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Outsourcing the Solution - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 007
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Rob Copenhaver is the President at OSX Sales Solution and has been working in that industry for 30 years. He’s a Sales Xceleration Certified Sales Leader, and also an IMA Certified Management Accountant. Rob joins host Joseph Frost to discuss new innovations that are going on in the c-suite and what a fractional professional brings to a company, such as the reduction in risks.
- The biggest opportunity for fractional professionals is that the landscape is constantly changing so they have more chances to get into different areas than ever before.
- You want to sell products to solve problems, not sell to push products. Everything you sell should have a purpose to it.
- You should bring in an expert to your company who knows more about certain areas than you might yourself. It brings a new area of expertise in and allows you to focus on things in your wheelhouse.
- You want to make sure that your website is up to date and it looks professional but not too sales-like.
- You need to have a clear plan in place when it comes to your company. You can’t change from google ad words to SEO or keep changing your logo color.
- You want to incentivize the sales team because motivating that team can drive more and more sales.
- The top criteria for hiring a fractional professional is that you have to be willing to make a change.
Quote of the Show:
2:34 “Some of the things that I can see when I walk into companies is when entrepreneurs start their company, they start it because they're experts in their industry. They know what the problems are. They develop a product that fits a niche and solves a problem and it works great and they can go out and they can sell, start to add a couple people. A lot of times it's tough for CEOs and founders to realize the landscape has changed from when they were doing. And they get frustrated."
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-copenhaver-6729719/
- Website: https://osxsales.com
- 10 Question Self-Assessment: https://salesxceleration.com/sales-agility-assessment/?locationid=22577505
Ways to Tune In
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/Nd6ikvPwRYs
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Mastering Technology - Fractional C-Suite Retreat - Episode # 006
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Bentley Davis, Fractional CTO, comes from a technology background and is an expert at building mobile and web applications. After spending 20 years in the hospitality industry, he decided that he wanted to own his company and left the industry. He worked for a few different start ups and learned so many valuable lessons and skills along the way. Bentley joins host Joseph Frost to discuss new innovations for c-suite executives and how technology can be extremely beneficial for them.
- One of the biggest opportunities for c-suite executives now is to enable their team with the most up to date technology.
- When it comes to technology, on Twitter the No Code community is actually pretty helpful and always provides ideas for medium and small sized businesses.
- There are plenty of tools that fractional professionals can use to properly utilize technology without having to hire a developer.
- Hiring a fractional professional can provide fresh insight to your company because they work with so many different companies they see what works and what doesn’t.
- It’s important for new companies to find their product market fit and to know their customer base. You want to have your market research done before hiring a fractional c-suite executive.
- Go with the technology that works the best for what the company is trying to do. They might be comfortable with it right away but you should let them know if something works better.
- You should work with people that fit in with your values of a company. Working with someone whose only motivation is profit isn’t going to end well.
Quote of the Show:
7:45 “Sometimes it helps to have someone who doesn't work for that agency or that group, to kind of look at it from a slightly different angle… I might not necessarily know more than them, but I have a different level of experience. And also if someone's been working in a single company for several years, they don't have the opportunity you and I have, we're working with several companies that we can bring the best of the best of the solutions and technologies in.”
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/bntlyd
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bntlyd/
- Website: https://bentleydavis.com
Ways to Tune In:
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9a0b6e7b-76d7-4909-ab01-e3082d6637e0/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fractional-c-suite-retreat/id1597847745
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5Z2uHcI4xXz92M9sODSoYL?si=a89b68adf7134964
- Google Podcast
- Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/agencies-that-build/the-fractional-csuite-retreat
- YouTube - https://youtu.be/m1ZEWorWEiM